Faculty of Clinical Sciences

About The Faculty

On the proposal of the late Prof. Ikenna Nzimiro in 1981, the Faculty of Clinical Sciences was approved by Senate for the College of Health Sciences. It was only in 1999 that the Faculty became operational as a Faculty in the University. (In 2002 Senate approved the establishment of Nursing in the Faculty.  The programme for the award of B.Sc. Nursing Science commenced in 2006 and received the Nursing and Midwifery Council accreditation in 2011). In keeping with the overall academic aims of the University of Port Harcourt, the Faculty of Clinical Sciences seeks, to train physicians, nurses and other professionals in medicine and related fields in degree and non-degree programmes. Such training emphasizing a team approach to health care delivery. This relates to training of all grades of health personnel, both in aims and in operation to national policies of health in order to provide comprehensive health care to the community by curative, preventive and promotion of health in rural or urban communities. It also offers training of a standard that would enable the graduate build further upon his/her professional knowledge and skills for the promotion of a high standard of health care. The overall training will contribute to national development, self-reliance and unity through the advancement and propagation of knowledge in the field of health sciences. Knowledge acquired will be used for the service of community and humanity.

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