Name of Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences
Name of Dean: Professor P. C. Mmom
Faculty’s Contact E-mail:
Faculty’s Contact Phone Number(s): 08033389632
Faculty of Social Sciences commenced in 1977 with Professor Claude Ake as the first Dean. The Faculty has since its inception graduated many first degrees, Masters and Ph.D holders. The Faculty consist of four Deapartments namely: Economics, Geography & Environmental Management, Political & Administrative Studies, Sociology, various Centres and Institutes.
It’s Mission and Vision are to enhance excellence in training, learning research for the ultimate development of the Society and attain excellence in research, teaching, service delivery and practice in finding solution to the problems of industry and Society. The key Officers of the Faculty are the Dean, Associate Dean, Faculty Officer and Finance Officer. Its objective is to inculcate into Students through teaching, seminars, symposium and essays, the scientific method of inquiry and high spirit of dedication to the services of Society and humanity at large. The affairs of the Faculty have been managed by fifteen (15) Deans and fifteen (15) Faculty Officers.
Below are the list of departments offered in the Faculty of Social Sciences